Below you'll find charts listing all the cards in Alchenemy, with their complete texts, attritbutes, and quantities in the stacks. For a PDF file of all the charts, click here.
Card Name | Type | Influence | #/Stack | Flavor name |
Alembic | Token | Make | 12 | |
(E)arth | Element | Recover | 39 | Terre |
(A)ir | Element | Steal | 23 | Aer |
(F)ire | Element | Destroy | 23 | Ignis |
(W)ater | Element | Change | 23 | Aqua |
Card Name | Type | Subtype | #/Stack | Card Text | Coin | Ingredients | |||||||
(association) | Flavor | Flavor Name | E | A | F | W | Any | Metal | Essence | ||||
Gold | Material | Metal | 6 | "By fires of sooty coal th' empiric Alchymist holds it possible to turn Metals of drossest ore to perfect gold." |
Aurum | 19 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||||
Lead | Material | Metal (E) | 10 | "This, basest of metals, can be successfully Transmuted into Gold, if one knows the Formula…" | Plumbum | 4 | 1 | ||||||
Silver | Material | Metal (A) | 10 | "Silver cures mange, prevents gangrene, and in penny form hires you a carriage home...” | Argentum | 4 | 1 | 1 | |||||
Iron | Material | Metal (F) | 10 | "Cold Iron repels threats both human and Fey." | Ferrum | 4 | 1 | 1 | |||||
Mercury | Material | Metal (W) | 10 | "Quicksilver, associated with the planet 'Mercury', readily extracts Gold from its Ore..." | Hydrargyrum | 4 | 1 | 1 | |||||
Lodestone | Material | Essence (E) | 4 | "The bone of Plutarch's god, the needle that guides." | Magnes Lithos | 9 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||||
Dragon Blood | Material | Essence (W) | 4 | "Influence by the planet Mars, it increases strength of Heart and the potency of ritual magik." | Sanguis Draco | 9 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||||
Phlogiston | Material | Essence (F) | 4 | "Where we once thought Phlogiston was an Element itself, we now know it to be an essence that can be applied to all." | Phlogiston | 9 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||||
Ether | Material | Essence (A) | 4 | “Air, Earth, Fire and Water describe the physical world. Ether, the fifth Element, describes the rest.” | Aether | 9 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Card Name | Type | Animus | Acts On | #/Stack | Card Text | Ingredients | ||||||||
(association) | Action | Flavor | Flavor Name | E | A | F | W | C | Metal | Essence | ||||
Convert | Power | Change (W) | Element | 4 | Discard as many (Elements) from your Lab as you choose. Then draw that many cards plus one from the Element Stack. | "Some argue the Elements are not the most basic of substances, as they can be changed into each other…" | Convorto | 1 | ||||||
Distill | Power | Change (W) | Hand | 4 | Set aside any number of cards from your hand. Draw that number of cards from your Formula Stack and place them in your hand. Shuffle the cards set aside into your Formula Stack. | "Alternately evaporating and condensing a solution increases its potency." | Distilla | 1 | 1 | |||||
Rotate | Power | Change (W) | Hand | 2 | All players place their hand at the bottom of their Formula Stack and draw a new hand of five cards OR, if (Mercury) was discarded as an Ingredient, all players pass their hands to their left instead. | "...then sometimes a gust would come and remix the grain with the chaff…" | Revoluti | 1 | 1 | |||||
Transpose | Power | Change (W) | Material | 1 | Exchange any one Material in your Lab for any Material card in the Discard Pile. If (Dragon Blood) was discarded as an Ingredient, draw a card from your Formula Stack. | "It is not theft if you leave something in return." | Permuto | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Card Name | Type | Animus | Acts On | #/Stack | Card Text | Ingredients | ||||||||
(association) | Action | Flavor | Flavor Name | E | A | F | W | C | Metal | Essence | ||||
Roast | Power | Destroy (F) | Element | 4 | Choose and discard one (Element) from every Lab except yours. | "As Water can be boiled, Earth can be Roasted." | Confrixo | 1 | ||||||
Fulminate | Power | Destroy (F) | Base Metal | 4 | Choose any one (Base Metal) in play and discard it. | "This quite-spectacular destruction of metal has lent its name to many another explosive event." | Fulminante | 1 | 1 | |||||
Burn | Power | Destroy (F) | Essence | 2 | Choose any one (Essence) in play and discard it. IF (Iron) was discarded as an Ingredient, choose two (Element) in play and discard them as well. | "Whether all or only part of something burns, the result is still a mess." | Incendus | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |||
Aqua Regia | Power | Destroy (F) | Material | 1 | Choose and discard one Material card from every Lab. IF (Phlogiston) was discarded as an Ingredient, all players choose and discard one card from their hand as well. | "There are obvious difficulties with a liquid that dissolves everything…" | Aqua Regia | 1 | 0 | 1 |
Card Name | Type | Animus | Acts On | #/Stack | Card Text | Ingredients | ||||||||
(association) | Action | Flavor | Flavor Name | E | A | F | W | C | Metal | Essence | ||||
Rarefy | Power | Steal (A) | Element | 4 | Choose and take one Element card in play from each other Lab and place them in your Lab. | "Nothing is rarer than that which you do not have…" | Rareficio | 1 | ||||||
Sublimate | Power | Steal (A) | Base Metal | 2 | Choose one (Base Metal) in play and place it in your Lab. If (Silver) was discarded as an Ingredient, take any one (Element) in play and place it in your Lab as well. | "…material passes from solid to gas to solid again, invisibly moving from place to place." | Sublimatio | 1 | 1 | |||||
Ablate | Power | Steal (A) | Hand | 4 | Choose one card at random from another player’s hand and place it in your hand. | “Ablation is the last defense against destruction, sacrificing one's outer layer to protect the core.” | Auferre | 1 | 1 | |||||
Evaporate | Power | Steal (A) | Essence | 1 | Choose one (Essence) in play and place it in your Lab. IF (Ether) was discarded as an Ingredient, take the top card from any Formula Stack and place it in your hand as well. | "Leave anything out long enough and it will disappear." | Evaporo | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Earth-based and Key
Card Name | Type | Animus | Acts On | #/Stack | Card Text | Ingredients | ||||||||
(association) | Action | Flavor | Flavor Name | E | A | F | W | C | Metal | Essence | ||||
Precipitate | Power | Recover (E) | Element | 4 | For every two (Elements) you choose and discard from your Lab, choose one (Element) card from the Discard Pile and place it in your Lab. | "Add a seed and the desired product will settle to the bottom of the vessel." | Praecipitare | 1 | ||||||
Regrow | Power | Recover (E) | Hand | 1 | Choose one card from the Formula Discard Pile and place it in your Lab. IF (Lodestone) was used as an Ingredient, draw a card from your Formula Stack as well. | "If not stripped bare, Nature will revive, regrowing from seeds left behind." | Vivicabit | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |||
Leach | Power | Recover (E) | Base Metal | 4 | Choose one (Base Metal) from the Formula Discard Pile and place it in your Lab. | "Percolating water can leach metals from tailings and soil..." | Demanare | 1 | 1 | |||||
Rebirth | Power | Recover (E) | Essence | 2 | Choose one (Essence) from the Discard Pile and place it in your Lab. IF (Lead) was used as an Ingredient, put the top card of the Formula Discard Pile in your hand as well. | "…he wrung one more dram from the cloth and thus the kingdom saved." | Renasci | 1 | 1 | |||||
Philosopher's Stone | Power | Key (W) | Gold | 2 | When you next empty your Alembic, Choose a (Lead) card in your Lab and place this card on top of it - this combination is considered to be Gold in all ways. | "Sought by all, for it creates wealth at a touch…" | Philosophorum | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |